Guides to help you create content

Finding the sweet spot ! (Read this article)

Prism Guide

  • This is a guide and video why Prism is better then OBS and how to get your feet wet with prism. It is easy and fast to learn. Links are in the YouTube description section for more info


What do I need to start streaming

  • This Video explain what do you need to start streaming and if you are working on a budget. 


If any questions please join the GO discord and ask – Any GO-partner for help. 

  • the_whiskey_ranch
  • Telthezard 
  • VortexDash_za


Want to make your streams look better?

Most new or current streamers suffers from finding the sweet spot in quality vs performance. Here is a video which will help in some of the questions you might have. How to make your stream look the best. Not good , not recommended – THE BEST for the connection you have & equipment available to you.  

Streaming from South Africa

If you are streaming from South Africa & your stream is lagging , you need to connect your stream via a relay server. 

Relay servers create a stable connection between you and the closest twitch server to have the best connection between you and twitch  

How to stream with two PC`s

  • This tutorial video explain how to set up two computers for a single stream. 
  • Benefits – stream will stay online if your main gaming PC crashes. Thus you will not loose viewers during your live broadcast. Also you are saving money from not paying for a capture card
  • links are available in the description section of the video- have a look  

How to Multi stream for FREE with OBS


What is the Affiliate Program

For content producers in the gaming, geek, and creative arts scenes, there is an affiliate program. We pay close attention to how entertainment is produced for social media sites and online video platforms like and We provide a venue where you may exhibit your original ideas, works, and information on our platforms while networking with the most brilliant minds in South Africa and around the world. This service is free to use. All you have to do is join by filling out the form and emailing us your “High Resolution” logo, or just submit it to one of the server engineers or admins over the GO Discord. We will add your account to the shout-out bots on Discord. Additionally, there will be a chance for recruitment. 

Companies and brands will look at our Affiliate roster and pick the brightest talent to take part in their programs and endorsement. This is not a a guaranteed process , but I can offer help in terms of growth.

What is the Partner Program

For devoted GO-creators and fans, there is a Partner program. With this program, the creator/content entertainer will receive more in the way of fame and commercial support. This will draw attention to the creator’s name and material across all GO networks and platforms. This program is closed to applications and is exclusive. We at GO carefully choose the partners to join the permanent senior management team, which will eventually result in wage compensation. 

A special email address will be created for GO partners. GO Partners will only be involved in one specific way in promoting GO and assisting the Geekgrid. Without any limitations and with full access to sponsors, the partners are free to stage their own events within the GO network and at any GO Cyberfestival. 

The potential for this program is enormous, and exclusivity is crucial to the team in terms of the partners since it will highlight the most dedicated individuals who are receiving rewards for doing what they love.

How to become a Game Over Gaming Partner

  • You have to stream on a platform with a reach of an average active viewers of 30.
  • You need a twitter & Instagram account with 1000 followers, in which you have to post once a day something GO related or promote GO in one post a day via hashtag – “#GOGEEKGRID” or website reference.
  • You need to Tiktok once a day to talk or promote about GO or challenge someone to view a GO streamers content, your – {You need Tiktok followers 1000}
  • Attend at least one GO event a year to meet your fans – YOU need To meet your fans face to face once a year.
  • Make friends on GO discord and collaborate with streams in the GO ecosystem.
  • Promote your self on the GO discord.
    Become a affiliate & stay active for 6 months on the platform.
  • Promote GO on your stream by placing a GO designed Stream label your “about section” on twitch or a mention link in your description with YouTube streams or Facebook